Gurukul Baylor Campus


Gurukul Baylor Campus (GBC) was established on 2070 BS, is located in this beautiful city Banepa, Kavre. This is the changeable name of Dipika Campus, since 26 Mangsir, 2079.This Campus has been run under the management of Glacier Educational foundations by a group of farsighted academic scholars. It was established by the year 2064; this team is well known entire country as well as out of country. Our bi-lateral relation with Inaja University and Tea bong H Scholl in South Korea, University of Copenhagan Denmark, Forest school London are the few example of Global brotherhood.

Our students who are around the Banepa valley They have fully confident about quality education of Gurukul, we are ready to provide education according to the interest of students, because our physical infrastucre, sports events, faculty member and other stakeholders interest are really inflatable so we are proud to provide the global educational environment  for our students.. WE ARE READY TO WELCOME ALL STUDENTS from KATHMANDU VALLEY too For quality education in peace full and natural environment. Because our Campus is located in beautiful city of Banepa Kavre, which is just 20 km FAR from Kathmandu ring road Hope this session we could heartily welcome to you in our Gurukul Baylor Campus.

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